Our Services

About Us
Contact Us

We are an independent Telecommunications Consulting Firm. Let us help you reduce unnecessary costs!

We will sit down with you and help you to clearly define your goals in the areas of voice, data and related technologies. We will listen. We will answer your questions and explain your options and then help you choose the right solution for your business.

Common Telecom Questions

How much does a new phone system cost?
How many phone lines do we need? 
How does "Voice Over IP" work? 
Can I have Caller ID on my DID number? 
What's the difference between a T1 and 
      a regular phone line? 

 Allow us to answer these and other questions for you. 

Our Specialized Services

Detailed Audit of Telephone and Data Services Midwest Preferred Customer Care 
Prepare RFPs for PBX, Key and Voice Mail Systems Contract &  Purchasing Negotiations
Planning &  Network Design Project & Construction Management

Midwest Auditing & Consulting     
13706 Wood Lane; Suite 101
Minnetonka, MN 55303

Sales/General Information
PH: (952) 512-1300
FX:  (952) 512-1200
Toll Free: (888) 612-2222

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